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Designing With Wow-Worthy Art at HGTV Smart Home

Browse a collection of creative paintings, prints, and sculptures found at HGTV Smart Home 2017.

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Photo: Brittany Ambridge. From: Tiffany Brooks.

Must-Have Gallery Wall

A gallery wall at HGTV Smart Home 2017 combines traditional framed pieces with bold abstract artwork, sculptures and hanging planters for a curated look. Throughout the home interior designer Tiffany Brooks thoughtfully handpicked every eye-catching piece.

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Photo: Tomas Espinoza. From: Tiffany Brooks.

Modern Desert Vibes

Upon entry a colorful woodlands painting welcomes guests and sets the tone for the homes modern desert design approach. 

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Photo: Brittany Ambridge. From: Tiffany Brooks.

Sculptural Interest

Large concrete spheres placed by the front entry offer a fun and decorative way to balance the linear lines of the home.

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Photo: Brittany Ambridge. From: Tiffany Brooks.

Personalized Pieces

Tiffany picked these custom art pieces to reflect the modern feel of the home and the shape of the chandelier above the dining table.

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