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Get Inspired by the Fall Season in Vermont

A fall season in Vermont is the perfect getaway. Get inspired by the local flavors and casual design approach this area provides.

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Leaf Peep Like a Local

The moment the leaves start to turn in Vermont, typically right around the end of September, there is nowhere in the world I’d rather be. Everything transforms into what feels like a magical painting, and leaf peeping becomes the sport of choice.

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Map Out Your Own Personal Covered Bridge Tour

Our Sundays in the fall usually involve driving down country roads in search of picture perfect sights like this one. There is nothing more Vermont than a covered bridge surrounded by stunning foliage.

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Seek Out the Classic New England Scenes

A classic New England colonial covered with character always catches my eye. This one looks extra pretty as the leaves start to change.

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Browse the Lovely Antiques

Antiquing to find new treasures is my favorite fall pastime. Vermont is filled to the brim with so many hidden gems - we discover new ones every time we go up.

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