Design Star Season 3: Where Are They Now?

Want to know what happened to season three contestants after the show? We caught up with some of your favorite designers and got the scoop.
Design Star Contestant Jennifer Bertrand

Design Star Winner Jennifer Bertrand

After winning season three of Design Star, Jennifer Bertrand created 20 easy-to-do projects for an HGTV show.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

After winning season three of Design Star, Jennifer Bertrand created 20 easy-to-do projects for an HGTV show.

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Jennifer Bertrand

How has your life changed since Design Star?
Not only was I lucky enough to win the show, but during one of the biggest moments of my life, I managed to get pregnant. Crazy! Winston Spencer Bertrand was born on February 20, 2009. He is a smiley, happy baby and has definitely broken us in as first-time parents. Who does he look like? I think he has my nose and smile and everything else is all Chris. Since winning, everyone I have met has been so lovely and supportive. However, I have become the "What happened to her?" of Design Star, but not for long. I will be on the air soon to remind you that it was definitely not a wasted vote. Being recognized since the show has been a lot of fun and given my family a lot of interesting stories. The best is when you stand in an elevator or any public space and you see someone start to stare at you, you know they're an HGTV viewer (that or you have something on your face). It's so funny because they're trying not to stare and then they finally ask, "Is it you?" I was even tracked down in a clothing store and told they knew it was me because of my laugh.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
Since winning, I filmed a one-hour special called Paint-Over! With Jennifer Bertrand and appeared on an episode of HGTV Showdown against the always fun Kim Myles and the lovely Matt Locke. It was so much fun to film, and I was really happy for Matt because I so know he wanted to beat me. Working with Todd was great and not once did he say, "First gear, full throttle!" Besides filming, I also appeared at the Mall of America to do a paint demo as well as doing countless newspaper, radio and blog interviews across the U.S. In case you're wondering, "That's great, but where is your show?" You'll be excited to hear it will air in September after the new season of Design Star finishes airing, so get excited because I know I am!

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
Working full time and being pregnant kept me from staying in touch like I would have liked, but I've spoken with everyone, and it's been fun hearing what they're doing with life after Design Star. I would love to collaborate and have just been too pregnant and then too busy as a new mom to do so.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
I think the most important thing I learned was that this is definitely what I love to do. I love sharing my passion for design with viewers. It has inspired me to think of countless ways to inspire and instill confidence in viewers to create a home that is cooler than they ever thought they could have.

Jen Rockin' the '70s

Jennifer Bertrand, Design Star Season 3, with Husband

Jen Bertrand and Husband

Jennifer and her husband attend a '70s costume party. See how Jen answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Jennifer and her husband attend a '70s costume party. See how Jen answered our questions.

Jen With Baby Winston

Jen Bertrand of Design Star Season 3 and Baby

Jen Bertrand and Baby

Jen and her baby, Winston Spencer, at the dog park, who was born on February 20, 2009. See how Jen answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Jen and her baby, Winston Spencer, at the dog park, who was born on February 20, 2009. See how Jen answered our questions.

Matt Locke

Matt Locke from Design Star Season 3

Matt Locke

Matt Locke may have been the runner-up on season three, but that hasn't slowed him down. Check out what he's been up to since the show wrapped below.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Matt Locke may have been the runner-up on season three, but that hasn't slowed him down. Check out what he's been up to since the show wrapped below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
Appearing on Design Star was one of the most rewarding experiences of my entire life. On top of producing some work that I am very proud of and growing closer to my family, it taught me how to keep working under crazy conditions without completely freaking out. And as a bonus, the show has opened so many doors, both personally and professionally.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
I was invited to do HGTV Showdown, which was a blast, and Kim and I won! Then, I flew up to Washington to speak at a home and garden show. I did radio interviews, gave a presentation and had a meet-and-greet with fans. I'll be appearing as the celebrity judge at a design charity event in my hometown this June, headlining the Denver Modernism show in August and speaking at the National Association of the Remodeling Industry's show in Milwaukee in September. I'm also exhibiting a new line of lighted sculpture objects at Dwell magazine's Dwell on Design 09 event in Los Angeles, June 26-28. The most exciting thing is I've been contacted by three production companies – one in Nashville, two in Los Angeles – on possible projects. I hope to appear on a television near you in the very near future!

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
Though we haven't been able to collaborate yet, I've kept in touch with almost everybody and have been lucky enough to see Trish, Mikey, Michael, Tracee and Stephanie several times since the show ended.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
Follow your dream! It'll be harder than you think but better than you ever imagined.

Get more info on Matt at

Matt in Jamaica

Design Star Matt Locke and his partner, Heith, in Jamaica

Matt Locke in a Waterfall

Since he made it to the top two of Design Star, Matt won a Princess seven-day Western Caribbean cruise. He and his partner, Heith, found the perfect waterfall to cool off in Jamaica. See how Matt answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Since he made it to the top two of Design Star, Matt won a Princess seven-day Western Caribbean cruise. He and his partner, Heith, found the perfect waterfall to cool off in Jamaica. See how Matt answered our questions.

Matt in Cancun

Design Star Season 3's Matt Locke meets a macaw.

Matt Locke and a Feathered Friend

While in Cancun, Matt made friends with a colorful macaw. See how Matt answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

While in Cancun, Matt made friends with a colorful macaw. See how Matt answered our questions.

Trish Beaudet

Trish Beaudet, contestant on Season 3 Design Star

Trish Beaudet

Lifelong friendships and confirmation that design is her calling make Trish grateful for her experience on Design Star. See how she answered our questions below.

From: HGTV Design Star

Lifelong friendships and confirmation that design is her calling make Trish grateful for her experience on Design Star. See how she answered our questions below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
Besides being recognized and having fans of the show come up and talk with me, I would say with three kids and running my own business, my life hasn’t varied too much from before the show. My design business is flourishing and we are now working on more commercial projects, which I love. One of the commercial projects that we recently completed was in Tennessee of all places. My life has continued (with more sleep!) as a football and lacrosse mom and dedicated business owner. I will say the memories of the show and its experience are with me everyday and because of that it always makes me want to look for new and exciting things to do and get involved with.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
I have done a few appearances here in Detroit and one out in LA. I was asked to participate in a Q&A column in the opening issue of Style Line, a new magazine in the Metro Detroit Area. I also hosted a holiday decorating segment for our local TV station and have been approached to work out some concepts with that local station for a cable design show.

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
I have kept in touch with most everyone on the show, more so with Matt, Michael and Mikey. On occasion, D-rock and I chat and I text and talk with Jen. Mikey and I are constantly on the phone with each other, talking and texting all day long. We have this amazing friendship, one that I am most grateful for. I never thought that by being a part of Design Star, I would walk away with a friendship as close as ours. I have traveled down to Florida to visit with him on several occasions and in February he came here to Michigan to surprise me for my birthday. It was the best! I'm planning a trip down to see him at the end of June for his birthday as well. I also went out to LA twice to visit with Mattie (as I call him), who is just amazing. We sit and talk for hours, which is fabulous. Mattie's like chicken soup for the soul!

I have talked about doing projects together with Mikey and Mattie. I recently wrote a script for a new TV design show, and we are in the process of trying to pitch the concept for production. Mikey is always trying to get me to move down to Florida to work with him on different projects. I have to say, I’ve been very tempted! We make a great team.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
I am very thankful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of Design Star and feel blessed to have been chosen out of more than 10,000 applicants. For me, that really solidified the fact that I am on the right path following my passion for design. It also gave me the opportunity to discover the hidden talent I have for hosting, allowing a new passion to form. I feel being a part of Design Star really made me aware of my creative nature and has given me more of a drive to share that with others.

I’ve always considered myself a strong and determined individual. Being on Design Star taught me that I could push myself to limits I didn’t think possible and that I could take on more then I thought I could handle. I’ve learned a lot about myself and how I design. I'm always thinking outside the box now, trying to inject that unexpected element. For all this, I am grateful.

Get more info on Trish at

Trish With Family

Design Star Season 3 contestant Trish Beaudet and her Family

Trish Beaudet and her Family

Trish with her husband, Jim, and children Alyssa, Austin and Christian at Christmas. See how Trish answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star

Trish with her husband, Jim, and children Alyssa, Austin and Christian at Christmas. See how Trish answered our questions.

Trish and Mikey

Trish Beaudet with husband Jim and designer Mikey V.

Trish Beaudet With her Husband and Mikey V.

Trish with husband, Jim, and fellow Design Star contestant, Mikey V. See how Trish answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Trish with husband, Jim, and fellow Design Star contestant, Mikey V. See how Trish answered our questions.

D. Paul

D. Paul Derouen from Season 3 of Design Star

D. Paul Derouen

D. Paul, a fan favorite in season three, is dealing with a few setbacks in the design world because of our struggling economy, but his positive outlook ensures brand-new opportunities are coming his way soon. Check out his story below.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

D. Paul, a fan favorite in season three, is dealing with a few setbacks in the design world because of our struggling economy, but his positive outlook ensures brand-new opportunities are coming his way soon. Check out his story below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
The show has given me a greater respect for the TV world and the production of reality shows, especially those crazy design shows. I would love to share a great success story, but the truth of the matter is that I had to get another job because of the economy and so I became a truck driver to pay bills and feed the family — big family as you all know. No kidding — a truck driver! The exposure from the show made me realize just how many people watch the show, even way down deep in the swamps of Louisiana. Every location I drove to, there was someone saying, "Aren't you D. Paul from that Design Star show?" I have more fans than I could ever imagine and the encouragement to get back into design has been overwhelming. I am currently doing a little design work as the economy picks up and a year later after the show, fans are still showing up and putting their faith in my design expertise. Thank you Design Star, fans and Michael Stribling for giving me the name "D-Rock".

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
Immediately after the final episode, one of my biggest fans and one of the largest companies in town decided to sponsor a contest to give away a free living room makeover. The response was awesome and the makeover was even better. The exposure from the show created opportunities for some local speaking engagements and a few job opportunities, but due to the economy, those opportunities have been delayed. Delays aren't all bad, because it has given me the chance to take a break from all the hype and celebrity that comes from the show and concentrate on what's important — my family.

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
I've tried to keep up with everyone from the show. I know this sounds so cliché but I'm truly friends with all of them, at least to some degree. Scottie calls me for consultation to plot against Vern and Tracee usually calls and mentions something about a pool stick (FYI: Watch episode one). I call Mikey V. for tips on how to stay lean and in shape during an economic recession. Trish and I usually chat about, well we just chat about everything. Matt and I dream about the "Rock - Locke Show" and I call Stephanie when I need some SoCal sunshine. Michael and I talk the most and he is demanding I move to Texas, and I hear Jennifer is a great mom. Go Jennifer!

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
My life lesson is simple: Follow your heart and see where it takes you. I ended up meeting some great people on the show and discovered that the British make really good TV hosts. Watch out Clive — I've been working on my British accent.

Get more info on D. Paul, aka D. Rock, at

Stephanie Cook

Stephanie Cook of Design Squad Season 3

Stephanie Cook

Stephanie Cook, who was voted onto the show by fans, has expanded her business and also found a way to give back through the Make-A-Wish foundation. See how she answered our questions below.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Stephanie Cook, who was voted onto the show by fans, has expanded her business and also found a way to give back through the Make-A-Wish foundation. See how she answered our questions below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
After designing with the tight budgets and deadlines, it motivated me to share what I had learned and to make sure that anyone anywhere could hire an interior designer. So I developed Design Online, where I can design a space via the Internet. It cuts down on costs because there is no travel or running around to vendors. I also offer a similar service called the One Day Makeover for people who want a more intimate process but are pressed for time and, of course, the design consultation for those do-it-yourselfers who just need a push in the right direction.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
I have teamed up with Make-A-Wish Foundation. My Company Plural Inc.,, is on its second room makeover and has donated over 150 hours so far. I feel very thankful for all my success in life and this is my way to give back to the community.

I also have had the wonderful opportunity of filming a pilot for a new show called The Loft Style. The show features unique and expensive lofts throughout the world. I will introduce you to the fascinating owners and tell you about the fabulous characteristics of the space.

As for the future I am looking forward to a successful, long-lasting career in the design world. I have always wanted to do commercial design and I recently started working on a restaurant in San Diego and a hotel in LA. I am also venturing into the retail world with hand-painted pillows, furniture, draperies and accessories. Available soon off my blog and website!

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
I have seen everyone but D. Paul, Jennifer and Scottie, but talk to D. Paul and Jennifer often. Michael, Matt, Tracee and I went to Las Vegas for the furniture mart a few months ago. That was a blast; we caused all types of trouble. Matt lives pretty close so I have seen him the most. He prepared some vegetables with this dressing called Galeos World's Best Miso, and they were the best thing I have ever tasted. I can finally eat veggies without dry heaving. Thanks Matty! Although, the weight still isn't coming off. Boo!

I feel like I made lifelong friends and am thankful for HGTV introducing me. I look forward to all of our journeys.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
To not eat more than five corndogs in one day — no just kidding. Probably my strength, when I thought I had pushed myself too far, I realized I was really living. Design Star's intensity prepared me for anything that comes my way.

Get more info on Stephanie at and

Adventurous Stephanie

Design Star Contestant Stephanie Cook Sky Diving

Stephanie Cook Design Star

The free-spirited Stephanie couldn't pass up on the opportunity to skydive. See how Stephanie answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

The free-spirited Stephanie couldn't pass up on the opportunity to skydive. See how Stephanie answered our questions.

Stephanie With Make-A-Wish

Design Star's Stephanie Cook

Stephanie Cook With Matt Leinart

Stephanie and NFL quarterback Matt Leinart worked with Make-A-Wish foundation to makeover Kimberly Trello's bedroom. See how Stephanie answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Stephanie and NFL quarterback Matt Leinart worked with Make-A-Wish foundation to makeover Kimberly Trello's bedroom. See how Stephanie answered our questions.

J. Scottie Miller

Scottie Miller from Design Star Season 3

Scottie Miller

Scottie Miller may have left Design Star early, but that hasn't stopped his passion for design and shaing it with new and old clients. See how he answered our questions below.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Scottie Miller may have left Design Star early, but that hasn't stopped his passion for design and shaing it with new and old clients. See how he answered our questions below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
I still get recognized from time to time. But after the show, I made the conscious effort to jump right back into my life as it was prior to the show. There were numerous projects that had been put on hold, so I intentionally moved back in quickly.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
My biggest referrals have always been word of mouth. Not to mention I get a ton of repeat customers. This, at least, let's me know that I'm doing something right. A client whose home I detailed three years ago actually hired me and paid for the complete decor of her son's first new home in another city. She insisted on allowing me full range and carte blanche control. You gotta love clients who respect your work and have that much faith in you.

Since the show, I've actually become a feature editor for Urban Influence Magazine, the National Publication of the NAACP. I was featured in their "Who's Hot" issue last fall, along with renowned artist Kadir Nelson and R&B singer John Legend. This has been a great collaborative effort being asked to contribute to their nationally syndicated publication.

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
Tracee Dore, Stephanie and D. Paul plan to come to the fall furniture market, which is in my backyard in High Point, N.C. I told them that the first round of drinks is on me.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
I learned that I can maintain my civility, morals and ethics — even a house — with others who may not share your same sentiment.

Tracee Dore

Design Star Contestant Tracee Dore

Designer Tracee

Tracee Dore continues to have a thriving design business and passion for decorating. She shares how she felt about her portrayal on Design Star below.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Tracee Dore continues to have a thriving design business and passion for decorating. She shares how she felt about her portrayal on Design Star below.

How has your life changed since Design Star?
Actually my life hasn't changed much except for the explosion in all the positive publicity. I have been blessed since I started my business 15 years ago to always be working on great projects without a break, and that is exactly what I am still doing. My kids and husband, as well as I, get a kick out of being recognized every time we go out. The overwhelming positive support of the people in Louisville has touched me more than anything else. I am also, more than ever, cherishing every moment with my three kids. The show woke me up to that more than anything else.

What opportunities have you had since appearing on Design Star?
There have been many wonderful new clients gained because of Design Star as well as many radio, TV and modeling opportunities. I was nominated as one of Kentucky's Most Admired Women this spring, have been offered a book deal and am working on my own collection of signature paints.

Have you kept in touch with fellow contestants?
Almost all, believe it or not. Michael and I have a bond that will never be broken. During a visit to Texas to see Michael everyone who saw us out together had to take a second look. They couldn't believe we were friends. I want him to move to Kentucky, and he wants me to move to Texas; we'll see where life will take us both. I also have such a great brother-and-sister relationship with Stephanie and D. Paul. It just saddens me that we are all so far away. Matt, Michael, Stephanie and I even went to market in Vegas together this winter. Scottie and I talk about once a month. I wish we could have spent more time on the show together; it was a shame that he was eliminated first. As for Jen, wow, how I think of her often and what she must be going through with the new show!

Everyone always asks me if I would do Design Star again, and my answer is always yes, because of the incredible lifelong friendships I have made.

What was the most important design or life lesson you learned from being on Design Star?
That is a very loaded question for me. Let's see — I have always been known for being peppy, high energy and positive in my personal and professional life. However, not always coming across as such on the show was difficult to watch. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the show would turn out like it did, and I am not even talking about who won. I wish I could do it all over. I am disappointed in myself that I couldn't do the innovative designs that I do everyday in the real world. I never imagined how tough Design Star was going to be. Not being able to share designs with HGTV viewers on a regular basis is what hurts the most.

Get more info on Tracee at

Tracee With Her Husband

Tracee Dore and Husband

Tracee Dore and Husband

Tracee with husband, Matt Brown. See how Tracee answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Tracee with husband, Matt Brown. See how Tracee answered our questions.

Tracee and Her Kids

Tracee Dore with Children

Tracee Dore and her Kids

Tracee poses with her kids, Jacob, Alexander and Madeline at Jacob's eigth grade graduation. See how Tracee answered our questions.

From: HGTV Design Star
and HGTV Design Star

Tracee poses with her kids, Jacob, Alexander and Madeline at Jacob's eigth grade graduation. See how Tracee answered our questions.

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