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Young Mom Gets Surprise of a Lifetime on HGTV's Cousins Undercover

By: Jennifer Brake
Cousins Anthony Carrino and John Colaneri teamed up with The Ellen DeGeneres Show to surprise one deserving young mom with a complete home overhaul. Check out Elizabeth Brehm's full story here.
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Photo: Chris Amaral. From: Cousins Undercover.

Dilapidated Residence

Elizabeth Brehm, a single mom and teacher, bought this older house so her daughter could be the fourth generation of Brehms to grow up in this community, but the yard was littered with stumps, the roof leaked and the upstairs was unfinished. After being laid off, she couldn't afford to make the necessary repairs.

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Photo: Chris Amaral. From: Cousins Undercover.

The Cover Story

During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Elizabeth was surprised with footage of Anthony Carrino tearing out the retro blue tile and ripping up the hideous yellow tub in her bathroom. She was told the cousins would only be renovating this one room, but it was really just the beginning.

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Photo: Chris Amaral. From: Cousins Undercover.

Starting From Scratch

The second floor was nothing more than a shell with exposed studs and insulation. The cousins decided to knock out some of the existing studs and rework the floor plan to include a master suite and nursery for Elizabeth's baby daughter, Juliette.

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Photo: Chris Amaral. From: Cousins Undercover.

All Hands on Deck

A renovation this big requires a lot of manpower. Friends, family members, Boy Scout troops and local volunteer groups showed up to get Elizabeth's home makeover finished in just seven days while she and Juliette were occupied in Disneyland.

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