About Studio Heimat

Alicia and Eva met in 2010 and bonded over a desire to create beauty - both through curation of objects, and the objects themselves. They were honing their craft as designers and project managers in some of the top design firms in the country, and in 2015, they decided to chase a lifelong dream of opening their own firm. With Studio Heimat in its eight year, they manage a growing team of creatives and problem solvers. The Studio Heimat culture is driven by an insatiable curiosity, striving towards excellence, and collaboration. Always embracing new tools and technology, Studio Heimat continues to be at the forefront of the interior design industry in Northern California and beyond. Each with more than a decade of experience in the industry, Eva and Alicia are guided by the goal of evoking soulful spaces through clean lines, elevating the status quo, and adding edginess to each project. Studio Heimat continues to grow with their sophisticated and design savvy clients, and thrives when collaborating with their clients to create thoughtful, comfortable and beautiful spaces that exude a sense of well being - that feeling of HEIMAT.