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Winter Garden Chores to Do Now

December 05, 2019

Exercise your green thumb in the off-season with these useful winter garden chores.

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Photo: Julie Martens Forney

Ice on Trees

When ice covers trees and shrubs, ditch the temptation to shake branches. This can actually damage plants. Branches should return to normal position once ice melts. If branches break under the icy weight, prune only what’s necessary to prevent further damage — and wait to do it when conditions are safe. Pruning with ice underfoot is never a good idea.

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Photo: Julie Martens Forney

Feed the Birds

Hang bird feeders and keep them well-stocked through winter. Black oil sunflower seed attracts the widest variety of birds. Safflower seed is a good choice when you want to offer something that squirrels and house sparrows dislike. Try mixing both types of seed in a feeder to serve a beak-pleasing buffet that beckons black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, cardinals and woodpeckers.

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Photo: Julie Martens Forney

Grow Amaryllis

Grab an amaryllis bulb kit to fill your home with the stately splendor of these big blooms. Plant several types in the same pot to create a colorful indoor garden. After flowers fade, snip blossom stems at the base. Continue to grow the leaves through winter and plan to set plants outside for the summer if you want to have bulbs bloom again next year.

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Photo: Julie Martens Forney

Provide Fresh Water

Give local birds a place to sip and bathe all winter long by using a water heater or heated birdbath. Keep the water filled and fresh, cleaning the bath as needed. If your bath is deep, add a few rocks to provide perches for smaller birds.

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