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October Gardening To-Do List

Make your fall garden flourish with tips from HGTV editors and contributors.

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Photo: Flynnside Out Productions. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.

Move Herbs Indoors

Transplant herbs from planter boxes on the deck into smaller containers to bring inside before winter weather hits.—Mick Telkamp/Raleigh, North Carolina

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Make Pumpkin Puree

Pie pumpkins are plentiful and inexpensive. We’ll freeze enough at the start of the season to keep us in pies through the holidays and beyond.—Mick Telkamp

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Photo: Photo by Mick Telkamp

Winterize the Coop

The chickens are molting to prepare for cold weather ahead. Time to give the coop a fall tune-up to make sure the flock remains warm and safe during the winter months.—Mick Telkamp

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Drain the Rain Barrel

Hoses are detached, debris is removed and valves have been left open to protect our rain barrel from ice damage in the cold weather ahead.—Mick Telkamp

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