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Make a Recycled Birdbath

Backyard birds will flock to this inexpensive, easy-to-make birdbath.
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Turn an Old Lamp Into a Birdbath

Turn a couple of old lamps and a trash bin lid into a super stylish birdbath. Your feathered friends will love a dip in this modern, upcycled piece. The trash bin lid makes a wide, yet shallow, basin perfect for a little splashing.

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What You Will Need

Large lamp bases (we're using two) / galvanized trash can lid / measuring tape / permanent marker / play sand / silicone caulk / 30-inch hollow all thread (found in the lamp or lighting section of your local home improvement store) / exterior spray paint / painter's tape / newspaper / wire cutters / pliers / drill with 3/8-inch drill bit / hacksaw (if necessary to cut all thread to size)

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Prepare the Pieces

Remove the shade and harp from the lamp, if applicable. Unscrew the bulb fixture from the lamp base and use wire cutters to remove the fixture from the lamp. Pull the cord through the bottom of the lamp. Remove all the thread from the lamp and the metal nuts and washers holding it in place. Discard the cord and fixture; put the metal pieces to the side. Clean the base of the lamp thoroughly, taking care to make sure it is grease-free for better paint adhesion. If your lamp base consists of several pieces, disassemble it carefully.

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Remove the Trash Can Lid Handle

Using pliers and a screwdriver, release the handle from the galvanized lid.

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