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10 Beautiful, Easy-to-Grow Climbing Roses for Your Garden

Plus, tips on growing and training these disease-resistant climbers to adorn a trellis or wall with spectacular color all season long.

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Photo: Star Roses and Plants

'Highwire Flyer'

If you love vibrant color, 'Highwire Flyer' deserves a spot in your garden. This climbing rose, introduced in 2018, bears hot-pink blooms almost nonstop. The flowers are lush and full, and the dark-green foliage is highly resistant to black spot, rust and mildew. Suitable for USDA Zones 9-11, the plants will top out around 6' tall.

Tip: Most roses need full sun and well-drained soil. For best results and abundant blooms, choose varieties recommended for your hardiness zone.

adorn arches and pergolas with climbing roses, wisteria and clematis

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Photo: Edmunds' Roses

'Tangerine Skies'

Think of the sky at sunset. 'Tangerine Skies' bears big, 4" blooms in that brilliant orange shade. This climber flowers early in the season and again, more lightly, until frost. It's disease-resistant, growing to 8' tall in Zones 5-9.

Tip: Use your climbing roses as a backdrop for shorter annuals and perennials in your garden or landscape.

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Photo: Edmunds' Roses

'Zephirine Drouhin'

Bourbon roses are very fragrant varieties that bloom for a long period of time, and 'Zephirine Drouhin' is one of the most popular. Its raspberry-scented flowers are cerise pink, held on nearly thornless canes. Hardy in Zones 5-9, the plants can climb 10'-15' tall. They grow best in full sun but will flower in open shade.

Tip: Train your climbing roses on a trellis or fence, or on a freestanding support at least 3" away from a wall. They need good air circulation to help prevent diseases.

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Photo: David Austin Roses

'Lady of Shalott'

Gorgeous 'Lady of Shalott' is one of the most reliable climbing roses; it's offered by English rose breeder David Austin. Suitable for Zones 5-10, it bears handfuls of apricot-yellow flowers, each of which can have up to 60 petals. This variety tolerates poor soil and climbs to 8' tall.

Tip: Deadhead (remove faded flowers) regularly to encourage more blooms. Stop deadheading in the fall and let rose hips form, so the rose will go dormant for the winter.

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