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The 20 Coldest Places on Earth

August 18, 2021

From Alaska to Russia, these often desolate, inhospitable locations around the world have recorded the lowest temperatures.

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Jaw-Dropping Temperatures Define the World's Coldest Places

While many vacationers yearn for warm-weather getaways, some travelers like to head to colder climates for fresh air and refreshing outdoor activities. The following destinations are some of the coldest places on earth, and while there may be some dispute around a few of the reported record-breaking numbers, each of these regions experiences some jaw-dropping subzero temperatures.

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Photo: Chris McLennan

Bundle Up if You Plan to Travel to These Coldest Places

Many of the following destinations are not accessible or open to the public, but there are a few places on this list that welcome travelers willing to don a few extra layers. According to experts, the key to traveling to a cold climate is to wear lots of breathable layers of clothing.

Natalia Sadowski, a licensed medical aesthetician, skincare therapist and Director of Aesthetics and Education for NB Naturals, told HGTV, “In general, it’s best to avoid synthetic materials that may irritate your skin because colder weather can further sensitize the skin. For medical face coverings or balaclavas, use breathable cotton materials to avoid breakouts and irritation.

Travelers to cold areas may also need to adjust their skincare routine. Sadowski also said, “In cold weather, it’s tempting to use hot water when cleansing your face and body. However, hot water can actually dry out and damage your skin barrier. This can lead to dry, irritated and tight feeling skin. Instead, use warm water when in the shower.”

Lastly, before hitting the road, travelers should also check the US Department of State for the most current travel advisories.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Isabel Kendzior

Eureka, Nunavut, Canada

Eureka, Canada is located on Ellesmere Island in Canada's northern Nunavut territory, and the lowest temperature recorded was -67.54 degrees Fahrenheit or -55.3 degrees Celsius in February 1979. Eureka was founded in 1947 as part of a network of research centers, and technically the area is uninhabited outside of the staff in the research center, which ranges from 8-15 rotational members. While there are few people in Eureka, polar bears, arctic foxes and caribou frequent Ellesmere island and the surrounding areas.

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Verkhoyansk, Russia

One of the coldest places in the world is Verkhoyansk, Russia, and in February 1982 temperatures reportedly dropped to a bone-chilling -90.04 F or -67.8 C. Surprisingly, summers in Verkhoyansk can get pretty warm, and temperatures can reach over 86 F or 30 C in June through August. The small town in northeast Russia is also home to the Pole of Cold Museum, which houses artifacts of extinct mammals and other rare and extinct plants and animals from the region.

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