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12 Items to Donate to Your Local Animal Shelter

These donations are sure to win you some wagging tails and slobbery kisses.

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Photo: © Helms

Old Towels + Blankets

We all deserve to sleep cozy and warm in our beds at night, and that includes our four-legged friends that live at the animal shelter. Wash any of your old, forgotten blankets or towels and bring them by your local shelter for the fur-babies to enjoy.

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Photo: BOGO Bowl

Unopened Pet Food

Keep those kibble bags sealed before heading off to donate. Shelters only accept sealed pet food to ensure the safety of their animals. Our go-to for food donation is BOGO Bowl. Buy a bag of premium dog or cat food from BOGO Bowl, and the company will donate a bag of food to a shelter, rescue group or pet pantry. DONATE: BOGO Bowl

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Photo: Debbie Wolfe

Raised Cot Bed

Ensure that shelter pups snooze soundly on raised cot bed, like picture above. The Animal Humane Society requests specific donations of the Kuranda bed for their shelter. DONATE:, $59

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From: Dan Faires and Danmade

Paper Towels + Tissue

I adopted a puppy last summer and I feel confident in saying that I went through more paper towels in the first two months than I went through during all my years away at college. Keep in mind, I was only dealing with one potty-training puppy as the time. Imagine that, multiplied by 50. Or more. Yes, the shelter will be grateful for even one roll of paper towels.

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