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18 Ways to Get Your Kids to Love the Outdoors

Encourage your little ones to spend less time in front of screens and more time outside with these fun, easy ideas.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Ivan Kovbasniuk

Take Your Kids Camping

Whether it’s in your own backyard or in a spot far from home, camping is one of the grandest adventures you can have with your family. Your kids will be immersed in a new environment and experience a new way of living in harmony with nature.

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Photo: Emily Fazio

Offer Them Tools Their Own Size

Nothing encourages participation quite like letting kids have their own set of tools. Choose small trowels and gardening gloves for the garden, and build a miniature wheelbarrow so they can feel productive throughout their day.

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Photo: Emily Fazio. From: Emily Fazio.

Make an Experience of Seed Starting

Let the kids help with seed starting in anticipation of the gardening season. From filling trays with soil to counting seeds and watering the plants, they’ll value the experience of watching something grow, and they'll be willing to help come time to transplant outdoors.

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Photo: Image courtesy of Ashley English

Foster a Flower Garden

Find new ways to help the kids get their hands dirty outdoors by creating a garden space that they can easily access. Make it an annual celebration to pick out plants at the farmers market and transplant them into their new home.

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