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Household Uses for Rice

We all know rice is a delicious side dish, but it also serves several uses around the house. We share some of our favorites.

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Photo: Clara MacLellan

Coffee Grinder Cleaner

I love the smell of freshly ground coffee beans, but it leaves a nasty residue behind in the coffee grinder. Uncooked rice absorbs moisture and oils, so it's the perfect way to soak up the beans' oils. To clean, place 1-2 tablespoons uncooked rice into the grinder, and grind away. Rinse, and bask in how shiny your coffee grinder is. Bonus: It also sharpens the blades.

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Photo: Clara MacLellan

Heating or Cooling Pack

Hey, you know that pile of lone socks you've kept just in case its partner magically appears? Put those lone socks to good use by making a heating or cooling wrap. Fill the sock with as much uncooked rice as desired. Tie the sock, and add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil on the sock. Place in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds to make a heat pack, or place in the freezer to make an ice pack.

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Photo: Clara MacLellan

Clump-Free Salt

Moisture causes salt to clump. Add about a teaspoon of uncooked rice to the shaker to soak up the extra moisture.

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Photo: Clara MacLellan

Rust-Free Tools

Moisture also causes metal to rust. Place your tools and silverware in a container filled with rice to help them last longer.

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