10 Things People With Clean Houses Always Do

Find out what it takes to have the cleanest house on the block (and NOT feel like you're constantly cleaning).

10 Things People With Clean Home Always Do
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Show: HGTV Happy

We all know that person. The one that always has the cleanest house no matter what. Their rooms are always tidy, their floors are always clean, and everything seems to always have a home. How do they do it? We’re here to show you.

They Make the Bed

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Clean people never leave the house without making the bed. For some, it’s the first thing they do when they get up in the morning. We get it, it probably seems like a weird, pointless habit. After all, you’re going to mess it up later anyway. But trust us. We dare you to make your bed tomorrow morning and not come home thankful you did.

They Never Wear Shoes in The House

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Even when your shoes seem clean, they are still covered in dirt and bacteria. This means that when you wear them in the house or on the furniture *gasp*, you’re spreading those germs around your home. Plus, if you’re dragging in specks of dirt, not only are you obviously spreading it on the floors, but any tiny rocks or material stuck in your shoes can cause costly damage to your floors. Do yourself a favor and check your shoes at the door.

They Never Leave a Room Empty-Handed

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Remember growing up when your parents would stop you and tell you to take your dishes with you as you went? Turns out they were right…again. Getting into the habit of putting items away as you leave a room leads to an effortlessly clean house.

They Open Mail Everyday

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Clean houses are anti-clutter zones. This means that when clutter such as mail comes into the house, it gets sorted and opened immediately. The junk mail gets recycled, and the important stuff gets dealt with. No ifs, ands or buts.

They Clean as They Go

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

We’ve all been there. You make a delicious meal, have a fun night with friends, and then everyone suddenly leaves, leaving you with a mountain of dishes that is already starting to make your kitchen reek of all sorts of increasingly funky food odors. Clean people avoid this tragedy by cleaning as they go. Done with a pan? Give it a quick wash in the sink rather than tossing it on the “dirty” pile. A little effort now goes a long way.

They Set Time to Do a Quick Clean

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

If your day is seeming hectic, it could be something as simple as your surroundings being out of order. In these moments, clean people stay calm, cool and collected. They simply set a timer and do a quick cleaning. The reset of the environment helps your space to feel relaxed and in order. It may seem silly, but a little cleaning refresh can do wonders for your morale.

They Keep the Air Fresh

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

If you’ve ever walked into your friend’s home and been blown away by how clean and fresh it smells, odds are that didn't just happen. Whether they diffuse essential oils, light a fragrant candle or simply open the window every once in a while to beckon fresh air indoors, keeping the air fresh isn't just an afterthought.

They Make Chores a Part of Their Lifestyle

Folding clothes while watching TV, doing a quick sweep while dinner is cooking or simply organizing the fridge when you reach for your next snack are all good habits to get into to help keep your house constantly clean. If folding clothes seems like the last thing you want to do, pair it with the first thing you want to do, and it really won’t seem so bad.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

They Put Things Away Immediately

No more jackets on the bed, shoes on the floor or keys on the counter. If you want a clean house, you have to get into the habit of always putting things away immediately. This is imperative. Your environment will never seem clean if whenever you finally put one thing away, there are two new things waiting to be put away. Make it easier for yourself by hanging coat hooks just inside the front door so you can immediately and conveniently hang your coat and bag. And if you've got a bedroom chair that is nothing but a clothes collector, it may be time to relocate that chair.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

They Never Go to Bed With a Dirty Sink

Out of every suggestion, this may be the biggest game changer. Honestly, your house could be an unorganized mess, but if you have a clean sink and kitchen, everything will be okay. Dishes left overnight are a haven for bugs, mice and offensive odors. If you clean one thing each day, we suggest the kitchen sink.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

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