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Healthy Home Myths Debunked

By: Laura Fisher Kaiser
What makes or breaks a healthy home? Find out as we separate fact from fiction and explore the top eight healthy home myths.
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Myth: A tight building envelope results in poor indoor air quality.

Reality: Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is often a result of a leaky house, which allows uncontrolled air to pass through the building envelope. The nonprofit Building Performance Institute, which develops standards for residential energy efficiency retrofits, explains: "Warm, moist conditioned air passes from the living space though the walls on its way outside. When that warm air reaches the cooler temperatures within the wall cavity or inside a window frame, it drops the moisture on condensing surfaces, which can help contribute to mold." Distribution of carbon monoxide from an attached garage into the home is another consequence of a leaky home, according to the American Lung Association.

As part of a building performance evaluation (or energy audit), a certified contractor uses a blower door to depressurize the home and locate air migration pathways that need to be sealed. The cost of an evaluation ranges from $250 to $500, a fee some municipalities subsidize through the Energy Star program.

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Myth: The best way to eliminate mold is to bleach it into oblivion.

Reality: Mold is evidence that a moisture issue — a leak or condensation — along with the organic material found in construction materials, is allowing microscopic mold spores to go forth and multiply like crazy. However, in most cases, the EPA does not recommend the use of biocides like bleach: "It is not possible or desirable to sterilize an area; a background level of mold spores will remain – these spores will not grow if the moisture problem has been resolved."

What's more, dead mold may still cause allergic reactions in some people, so it is not enough to simply kill the mold. It must also be removed. Scrub the area with a strong detergent (wear rubber gloves and protective clothing), and then ventilate the space and allow it to thoroughly dry out. For large outbreaks, call in the pros and replace any absorbent building materials.

Be aware of the telltale signs of mold, which include dampness, odors, discoloration, peeling paint, condensation, compacted insulation and nasty black or green fuzzy blotches.

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Myth: New homes are built with radon-resistant features.

Reality: There is no federal law requiring radon testing or radon-resistant construction features, even though the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reports that about one in 15 homes has a radon problem and attributes 21,000 deaths a year to the naturally occurring radioactive gas. Exposure to radon, which can seep into a home and build up over time, is generally symptomless; you can't smell or see radon gas and it can take up to 20 years of exposure before you develop lung cancer.

"People mistakenly assume radon isn't a threat anymore since it hasn’t gotten as much media attention as it did in the 1980s, when it was identified as a carcinogen. But radon in homes is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers," says Rebecca Morley, executive director of the nonprofit National Center for Healthy Housing. "They think it either went away or that there are new regulations to protect them."

The EPA encourages homeowners to have their houses tested for radon. Quick tests ($8-$25) take three to seven days and are available at hardware stores and online; a 90-day continuous monitoring assessment (about $25 for a DIY kit; $150 for a professional inspection), which accounts for peaks and lows, will produce more thorough results. If your home has more than 4 pCo/L (picocuries per liter of air), hire a professional contractor to seal cracks and to install a venting system. You can also reduce your risk by increasing natural ventilation throughout the house and not smoking.

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Myth: Grab bars are just for old folks.

Reality: "Grab bars in bathrooms and showers are for everybody," says Meri-K Appy, president of Safe Kids USA. "Thousands of kids wind up in hospital emergency rooms every year because of falls in the tub or shower." She recommends installing a sturdy and well-positioned grab bar in an area where a wet, slippery surface may spell danger.

To make stairs, another area where people are prone to fall, safer, experts also suggest stair rails on both sides. A strip of chair molding on one side won't cut it. Stair rails should be 34 inches high and guardrails 36 inches high.

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