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Bold, Colorful Apartment Makeover

San Francisco-based lifestyle journalist Julia Walsh transforms an uninspiring apartment into a creative show place with bold hues and curated pieces.
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Photo: Brian Patrick Flynn

Before: Hodgepodge College Pad

In its existing state, San Francisco-based lifestyle journalist Julia Walsh's writing lounge had the look and feel of a college dorm room. A desk and an old sofa had been shoved into the bay window area and completely detracted from the beautiful bay windows. The plain walls offered Julia a great backdrop to experiment with many of the colors she has written about for trend-forecasting articles.

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Photo: Brian Patrick Flynn

Floor Plan Remix

To use the room to the best of its ability, Julia created a space plan which allowed ample seating for herself and guests thanks to a long sofa, a wingback chair, and a small dining area in the bay window nook including two armchairs. In order to incorporate a TV without distracting from her well-curated collection, a niche was cut into the wall to house it. Julia's landlord added a built-in bookshelf tucked into the corner of the room which is nestled behind her wingback chair

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Photo: Brian Patrick Flynn

Inviting Entryway

Upon entering her apartment, Julia is greeted by her favorite color, featured on a faux bamboo dresser picked up at a thrift store for $60. "Persimmon is my favorite color," Julia comments. "On any given day, my ensemble usually incorporates some element of the coral cousin. It's no coincidence that when I decided to update my vintage dresser, I went straight for the favorite."

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Photo: Brian Patrick Flynn

Natural Lighting

Bold colors read well throughout Julia's entire home, thanks to a skylight just off the entryway in the center of her apartment.

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