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8 Crafting Mistakes and Fails, and How to Avoid Them

Make more and stress less by learning from these common crafting mistakes.

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Photo: Flynnside Out. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.

Working a Cluttered Space

Crafting in a messy space — just don't do it. You're more prone to spills, mistakes and even potentially dangerous accidents if you're trying out your latest project on top of last week's project scraps.

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Photo: Karen Kavett

Solution: Clean and Organize

Always start projects on a blank surface and give youself plenty of room to work by crafting in the largest space available to you, even if it means clearing out a spot on the floor. After you're done working, tidy up. We know, we know — you're tired and covered in glue; but clearing today's mess will save you a lot of trouble tomorow. If your project spans multiple days, try keeping a small bin at your workstation to contain your supplies when they're not actively in use.

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From: HGTV Handmade

Not Doing a Test Run

Even the "experts" don't get it right every time. Executive producer Marianne Canada found a planter project she conceptualized for a Handmade video collapsed and fell to pieces. Worse yet, it happened right in the middle of filming!

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Photo: Rachael Jones. From: HGTV Handmade.

Solution: Plan It Out

While Marianne's planter ended up making for a hilarious confessional video, it's still frustrating to see your own hard work fall apart in your hands. When conceptualizing your own project, buy extra supplies in case something goes wrong. And remember: not every project will be perfect. Learn from your mistakes (or ours), make adjustments and try again. And if all else fails, there's no harm in just buying ... your secret is safe with us.

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