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21 Items Designers Always Keep in Their Tool Kit

Go behind the scenes with top interior designers and find out what essential items they wouldn't be caught dead without. Some of them may surprise you.

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Photo: Erin Muller of Lovisa Photo, Designer: Lindye Galloway

Tile & Hardwood Samples

Designer Lindye Galloway explains, for clients to be able to see, touch and feel samples in person is a must. "There's nothing like being able to show our clients the product in person, so we keep a lot of hardwood and tile samples on hand so that we can show them during our finishes meetings."

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Photo: Erin Muller of Lovisa Photo, Designer: Lindye Galloway

Paint Deck

"You wouldn't believe how many options there are when it comes to choosing the perfect shade of paint. Having a paint deck on hand always helps with the process. And we always tab our go-to colors," says designer Lindye Galloway.

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Photo: Andy Vinson of Loch & Key Productions

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies—broom, Wet Jet, vacuum—are key says Atlanta designer Abbi Williams. "Even if the builder has had the house cleaned. Window sills must be wiped down so new curtains aren't stained or soiled on the first day. Sweep flooring before putting down rugs. Moving day is high traffic and new dirt coming in the house is inevitable."

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Photo: Erin Muller of Lovisa Photo, Designer: Lindye Galloway

Lots of Coffee!

Being able to meet deadlines and run from project to project, means coffee is a must! "As a business owner and mom, this stuff keeps me going," says Galloway.

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