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What Is the Eclectic Grandpa Aesthetic and How to Add It to Your Home

The year's top trendsetter is your grandfather. Lean into the "grandpa core" style that's anchored in longevity, individuality and the closet you've spent a lifetime creating.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Marcy Swingle

What Is Eclectic Grandpa?

We never thought we'd say this, but it looks like the style icon you should be channeling in 2024 is your grandfather. According to Pinterest Predicts, eclectic grandpa is the aesthetic to embrace this year, and, honestly, we're living for it. The eclectic grandpa trend takes the idea of what's in style and flips it on its own head. Sure, it's about vintage cardigans and patterned pants, but more importantly, the trend is about collecting long-lasting, high-quality pieces you love and watching your personal style develop because of this. In a world of fast fashion, the eclectic grandpa aesthetic is encouraging us to curate a closet of expressive, well-loved items that will be worn for years to come. We could talk about why you should embody this trend in your clothes, but we would rather explore why and how you can incorporate it into your design style.

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Photo: Jennifer M. Ramos. From: HGTV Handmade.

Bringing Eclectic Grandpa Into Your Home

Bringing the eclectic grandpa trend into your space may be easier than you think. There's so much room to play in this design style because the number one rule is to ignore the rules. The goal is to look like someone who has spent a lifetime curating the things they own. Take your time finding pieces that make you happy and, more importantly, choose items that speak to your individuality. Think quality materials, timeless furniture, unique tchotchkes and art that inspires you. Create a space that is both expressive in nature and feels lived-in.

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Photo: Marcus Meisler. From: HGTV Handmade.

Hit the Thrift Stores

Where better to step into your eclectic grandpa era than the thrift store? Remember, this style isn't about easy solutions. It's about finding the pieces that feel as though they have always been a part of you and mixing the old with the new. Combining vintage and modern items is the name of the game here. Many timeless treasures can be found in thrift shops or antique stores if you look hard enough. Be intentional about what you are adding to your collection. You want to invest in things you know you will take care of. If you're lucky, you might even find a "grandpa sweater" to add to the collection.

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Photo: Nicole LaMotte, Ted Thornton, Victoria Moca, Virtually Here Studios, Suzy Thompson. From: Lindsay Pennington.

Organized Chaos

Sure, this trend seems chaotic to the untrained eye, but that is what makes it so fun. There aren't strict guidelines to follow when designing your space. The emphasis, rather, is on experimenting and trying to bring out the design free spirit within you. Much like the outfits we've seen in this style, the room should look thrown together but with a hint of intention. So if you're having trouble embracing the chaos, work on finding the invisible thread that ties everything up nicely.

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